Thursday, March 28, 2013

A Message for the Women.

This week, a change of pace. Here is post about my dear friend and fellow blogger, Rachel Porter.

Her posts may only be meant for women, but the message she shares through them is for everyone.



Spunky, fun, fresh and original are ways to describe Rachel Sayumi Porter—writer and collaborator for the popular fashion/lifestyle blog, “Mr. JP and Me.” She is a young wife, student, fashion icon, and interestingly enough, she is also a Mormon.  Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints—commonly referred to as Mormons—are typically identified by their strict moral code and rigid conservative values …certainly not by their style. Rachel Porter is out to change that.

With the Mormon belief in modesty in the way one both acts and dresses, many young Mormons focus more on how their clothing covers their bodies rather than how it dresses them. Rachel is a strong believer in that fact that you don’t have to ‘bare it all’ to show off creative, trend-setting style. “You can still look good, but be conservative,” she says. “People do notice what you wear and what you’re trying to show the world by how you dress. It’s really important that you look good, but still hold the standards that you know are true.”

In a popular Mormon pamphlet geared towards the youth of church, church-leaders encourage young Mormon women to wear clothing that shows respect for both themselves and their bodies. This pamphlet, aptly titled, “For the Strength of Youth,” encourages women to “wear clothing that covers the shoulder and avoid clothing that is low-cut in the front or the back or revealing in any other manner.” It also discourages women from wearing short shorts and skirts, shirts that do not cover the stomach, as well as any clothing that may be especially tight or revealing. Though some may view these standards as constricting, Rachel sees them as preparatory for her future career. “[Modest clothing] is nice because it covers everything and it’s versatile. I think it’s classy; it’s what people wear to work every day in the professional world.”

Others have also begun to take notice of Rachel’s work including online retailers and the fashion/lifestyle writers with whom she shares the blogosphere. Natalie Fielding, author of the trending blog, “Natalie Grace,” and a lover of fashion herself said of Rachel’s blog: “I think [it] does a good job of promoting modesty. I see the outfits she puts together and I want to recreate the same! I constantly think, ‘Oh, that is modest and cute, but more so the cute part.’ That says a lot about the subtle difference she is making.”

With such high praise from her colleagues as well as the support from her numerous sponsors, Rachel is starting to make a “splash” in the world of fashion, one that she hopes will ripple outward and inspire other girls—both Mormon and non-Mormon—to dress in a way that shows respect for themselves. “I want people to know that I’m happy with the way I am and the way I dress myself. I’m happy being modest. I hope that non-members [and] members who are maybe struggling with modesty can see that. I like the way I look, while still being modest.”

Confidence in oneself and positive self-image are very important to Rachel, and the example she is setting for women both in and out of the Mormon Church is made apparent by the support of her readers. Below each of her posts one finds an overwhelming amount of love from her fans, as well as their gratitude for what she is doing. When you read her blog, it becomes obvious what she has created is more than just a commentary on her lifestyle; it is a declaration of faith in both her standards and herself. When asked about her beliefs and her style, Rachel said this: “Modesty is a big part of my life. As a young girl, my mother always emphasized the importance of not dressing "of the world," but to dress in a way that reflected my inner beauty.” Her writing and her lifestyle not only attest to this principle, but highlight Rachel as living proof that while following trends may make your style current, it is being true to yourself that makes it timeless.


--Dapper Chris

Be sure to check Rachel out at:

Monday, February 25, 2013

Well, well, well. I'm back.


This has most certainly been a long time coming but I have made my return to the blogosphere with one thing in mind:

(No, today I am not talking about the deprevations of the single life)

Today, I am talking about the fact that it is OK to be single.

First, the obvious benefits:

When you're single you can do this:

Wear this:

And no one ever holds it against you if you are caught doing this:

But lets be honest: is that what you want to be doing anyways...?

Obviously, yes.

But should you...?

Probably not.

Have some self-worth! Have some integrity! There is honor in being single!

You can do this:

Visit these:

Eat this:

And live here:

Enjoy the time you have left to yourself and learn some things in the mean time. It's learning, discovery, fine dining, and good living that make a gentleman. It may be a trial by fire, but the end result is worth it.

So have some pride in being single, my friends. Have some pride in being a man and have some pride in being a gentleman.


--Dapper Chris

Saturday, August 4, 2012

"Opening the Door"


You will have to forgive me for my extended hiatus. I have been taking time to seriously think about dating and relationships and as a result, have (maybe for the first time in my life) found myself at a loss for words. After careful consideration and weeks of in-depth introspection I have arrived at two pivotal questions: What does it take to fall in love with someone? What does it take to have someone fall in love with you?

If you have been reading this blog in excess, you may have come to the conclusion that there are ways to "make" someone fall in love with you. But here is the truth: you have been deceived, and I apologize because it has been by my hand. What does it take to fall in love with someone and to have them fall in love with you?

Certainly not a new wardrobe.

Arguably, not even a clean shave, great tastes in art or literature, or knowing the best place in town to find an excellent steak or gelato.

These things simply help open the door a little bit; they allow us to get just one foot into a room that we may have otherwise never had the chance to explore.

But then what? You have your foot in some beautiful, charming, intelligent woman's door...

But have you ever taken the time to think about the status of your own door?

Is there room for the woman in your life to put her foot in? For her to make an entrance, look around, and explore. Or have you, like so many other men (including myself) been nervous-- scared, even-- to let someone in? Have you kept the screen door shut so while the illusion of openness is there, the opportunity is never truly given to see the pictures in the hallway or the dirt in the corners.

Why do we date, gentlemen? For pleasant company? For short-lived connection?

No.We date to find true, honest, and enduring love.

A love that is not guarded nor blind, as there is never a screen door obscuring the view.

I know that these may be weighty sentiments, and I know that what I am saying may be atypical for this blog; but the advice I give in this post is the advice that I have, in these last few weeks, been trying with a great amount of effort to teach myself.

I want to be in love as much as anyone, and I'm proud to be the kind of man that a woman is pleasantly surprised to find wearing a collared shirt and taking her out to a nice dinner. But I must-- in all my earnestness to find someone who will love and understand me-- also remember that there is a time where I must forgo the "finesse" that often accompanies my dating practices and remember to simply be myself.

Lets be honest:

Sometimes, I eat at Wendy's after a long day at work. They make a damn good burger.

Sometimes, I like to sit alone on a Friday night and watch a Romantic Comedy-- by myself-- and laugh and cry because somewhere out there, two fictional characters have pulled all of their shit together in a way that works and made it hilarious in the meantime.

Sometimes, I say "shit" online, for all my friends and family to see. Its not dignified, its not classy, and its most definitely not a word that any gentleman should ever say...

But lets be clear: sometimes, I'm not a gentleman. I think its impossible to be one all of the time.

And that, my friends, is the the dirt tucked away in my corners; the portraits on the wall of my front room. The door is open, and if you don't like what you see I ask you to close the door behind you on your way out.

Let us not be afraid of the opening the door. Let us make a practice of keeping them open and never being ashamed of what there is to see on the other side. Because if you take anything away from this post let it be this:

Opening the door is, and always has been, the gentleman's way.

So be a gentleman, gentlemen.


--Dapper Chris

Friday, June 22, 2012

Lets Talk About It: Your Shorts.

I'm going to start with this synopsis so that if you don't have time to read today, then at least you have this:

Definitely yes, but not on you:





Definitely 'No.' Ever. 

Easy enough, right?

Now, for the explanation:

Short denim shorts: Lets be honest: unless your twenty, young, beautiful, and female, then there is no way you can pull these off. Its not cute, its not funny. Don't wear them.

Cargo shorts: I doubt you're planning on starting a career as a smuggler, so these shorts should never be a part of your wardrobe. They make you look bulky, awkward, and unbalanced-- and those are adjectives that no one likes used descriptively.

Camo shorts: Don't wear camo unless you've earned it (i.e going to war, hunting, etc). And fyi, wearing camouflage  to Walmart on a Saturday = you haven't earned it. Keep trying. 

Plaid shorts: This trend began and ended almost as soon as this one did:

And we're all truly grateful for that, aren't we? 

Hawaiian print shorts: Made exclusively for George Clooney and your grandpa. Not for you, gentlemen.

Now lets talk about a solution:

Introducing, 'flat front shorts.'

Easy, clean, timeless.

Its simple and basic, just like today's post. But, as in life, its always better to keep things "short" and sweet if you ask me.

That's all folks! 


--Dapper Chris

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Courage, Men!

Courage: the ability to face danger, difficulty, uncertainty, or pain without being overcome by fear or being deflected from a chosen course of action.

Today, we go beyond what you're wearing, eating, or smelling like and talk about what it means to be a man-- men are courageous

How can you expect yourself to meet the woman of your dreams without a little chutspah? (if you need to google that word to find out what it means, we won't hold it against you...unless your Jewish and do, in fact, speak Yiddish).

Let's play out a scenario; we'll entitle it "Afternoon at the Cafe."

The scene opens with you, at a cafe, sitting near a beautiful woman.

You: (remain silent)
<<turn to face the beautiful woman>>

Her: (looks up from her meal and notices you)

...and now what?

You are a confident, well-groomed, well-dressed, independent man (and if you're not, you're getting there!) She's a beautiful woman with kind eyes and a copy of a popular novel sitting next to her grilled cheese sandwich. What do you do?

You: (casually, referring to her book) I've heard great things about that book.

Her: I've really enjoyed it so far.

You: Hi, my name is [Your Name Here]

Her: Hello.

You: Do you have a minute? I'd love to hear more about that book.

Her: I'm actually leaving now, but it was nice to meet you.
<<she quickly gathers her things and gets up to leave>>

The End.

"But wait!" --you may say-- "She just walked away and totally blew me off! I was courageous to even talk to her!"

Yes, it was courageous to talk to her, but that is not the true test of your courage. Real courage is pulling yourself up off of the ground and taking the opportunity to talk to the next beautiful woman that comes your way-- even after this tragic mishap.

Gentlemen, if I were to offer you any advice it would simply be this:

"Courage is more than simply being the bravest man in the bunch, it is being the man who is most willing to try again, even after an apparent failure."

So get back up on your feet, good sirs. Continue your search for love and adventure.

Cheers, my friends.

--Dapper Chris

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

What is Beautiful?

Today, a bit more serious post. Beauty

To begin, do not expect this to be step-by-step instructions on how to meet beautiful women. This is not that kind of post. Today, we talk about the definition of beauty and the ways in which we define it. 

To start, lets look at this woman:

Yes, she's beautiful. You would bring her back to your place on a Friday night and all of your friends would probably give you high-fives for meeting her, 'catching' her, and claiming her as your own. You'd be admired and respected, right?

Maybe. But is that realistic? Is that really what you're looking for?

The last time I checked, we were looking for a woman, not a status symbol. 

Now, lets be real. What is real beauty and what is a real woman?

Gentlemen, I challenge you to broaden your horizons. The woman above is Kate Upton. She's a 20 year old swimsuit model who has been featured in magazines like Sports Illustrated and Esquire. Its obvious why a million men around the world find her beautiful. 

But now think about the women in your life. Think about the last girl you took out to dinner. Think about the women you meet in the office or that you see on the street. Think about what catches your eye and delve in beyond the superficialThese women may not be super-models, and they may not cause your friends to cheer and congratulate you upon your arrival, but they are beautiful. 

Notice the little things. 


A crooked smile. 

Beautiful eyes. 

Because at the end of the day its not the obvious things that will make her beautiful to you...

It will be the details.

And honestly, who cares what your friends think?
If they are alone at home, on a Friday night, waiting for you to bring someone home for them to judge, odds are that they're all probably single anyways. 


--Dapper Chris

Monday, June 11, 2012

Lets Talk About It: Your T-Shirt

Inspiration can come in the most interesting ways. Today, it came in the form of this:

Gentlemen, please. 

Lets take a step back. When you roll out of bed in the morning, open up your dresser, and pull this little gem of a shirt on, you are telling the world two things:

1) I don't respect myself and
2) I certainly don't respect you.

There is no woman who (in her right mind) would find you witty or attractive wearing something so blatantly offensive. And don't fool yourself into thinking that only "hot" girls will have the confidence to approach you when you wear a shirt like this.

I'm sorry, you're wrong.

Those girls will be too busy laughing with their attractive friends about how ridiculously juvenile you look in your ugly t-shirt. Which brings me to the next matter of concern:

What about this shirt says, "I am a well dressed, confident man"? Nothing. If anything, all this shirt says to a woman is:

"I spent too much money on a tacky piece of clothing, so you should know that whatever I get you for Christmas will probably follow the same trend."

And last but not least, why, WHY do we feel that this is okay:

You should be intelligent enough to talk for yourself at this point. Relying on your clothing to do it for you is simply...well...


So think about what you put on your back, gentlemen. Don't act stupid, and certainly don't look it. 


--Dapper Chris